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Copyright Policy

BowerBird copyright policy

Nic Granleese avatar
Written by Nic Granleese
Updated over a week ago

If you believe a user has uploaded content that infringes upon your copyright, you can lodge a copyright complaint. 

Complaint process

This is a summary of the BowerBird complaint process.

  1. Copyright complaint made (see requirements below).

  2. BowerKit suspended.

  3. BowerKit owner notified of the complaint.

  4. BowerKit owner may respond to complaint (see below).

Your BowerKit will be suspended. It will no longer be visible on Discover and downloads will not be possible. You can respond in the following ways:

  1. Remove the content in question and then notify BowerBird support.

  2. Resolve the dispute with the person making the complaint. BowerBird is not involved in this step and it is a separate matter between the two parties. If a resolution is found, the person making the complaint must notify BowerBird  and the BowerKit suspension may be removed. BowerBird can in no way make a judgement on the legitimacy of the copyright complaint, or licence agreement. 

Contact BowerBird support and provide the following information.

  • Identify the BowerKit containing the content in question. (Provide a link to the BowerKit or provide its name). 

  • A statement that you have a good-faith belief that the use of the material in the manner asserted is not authorised by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.

  • A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and, under potential penalty of perjury, that you are authorised to act on behalf of the copyright owner.

  • Your contact information

Please think twice before submitting a copyright complaint, especially if you are unsure whether you are the actual rights holder or authorised to act on a rights holder’s behalf. There may be legal and financial consequences in your country for fraudulent and/or bad-faith submissions.

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