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Getting Started
Getting Started

Tips on getting started with BowerBird, BowerKits and Messages

How do I edit my Studio Profile?How to edit your Studio Profile
How can I link my Instagram account?Why is my Instagram link not working?
What is the difference between a studio and user profile?All you need to know about studio/ company and user/ personal profile
How can I link my Studio to my user profile?Add a Studio to your user profile
How to create your first BowerKit?Learn about creating a BowerKit
Can I add social media links to my profile?Adding website and social media links such as Twitter and Instagram to your BowerBird profile.
What is Discover?
What can I do to get an invitation to BowerBird?BowerBird is currently invite-only, so not everyone is able to register, but there are things you can do to help us assess your registration
How do I upload a profile picture?I want to upload a profile photo. How do I do it?
What is a 'Lead' on Discover?A 'lead' is a simple way to gauge journalist interest
What happens when I invite someone to BowerBird?When you add or 'Invite' someone to BowerBird, they are added as a 'bare user' and sent an invite.
Why do I need a profile picture?Why you need a profile picture, and why it should be a photo of your lovely face
What is a User Profile?You're a person and your User Profile is all about you
I don't know what to write, can you help me?Simple storytelling for architects to help you write your own content.
What is a BowerKit?BowerKits are also known as Press Kits or Media Kits and contain images, text, information and contact details.
Do I have to use a real name for my profile?Learn why we require real names for your user profile
How will journalists contact me?Find out how journalists make contact through BowerBird
What is a Studio/Company profile?Adding your company or studio to BowerBird is essential. Find out how to add your company and its name here
How do I search?How to use the search function and Discover on BowerBird